Mary and Lady Day 2020
When the Bishops of the Anglican Province of New South Wales decided that public worship should be suspended from the 22nd of March so that the virus wasn't spread during our gatherings, Christ Church in Queanbeyan was planning a celebration for the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Wednesday 25th March. This was to incorporate the Diocesan MU (formerly Mother's Union) Lady Day service, the admission of Veronica as a MU member and a celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Reverend Mary Thorn being made a Deacon.
As you can tell, none of this happened! For some time people had suggested that it might be a suitable gift for the Rev'd Mary to restore a framed newspaper front page which remained on display in her home.
The refurbished page has been returned to the frame and given to Mary. The image can be seen below and viewed at a larger size by clicking this link Larger image
Congratulations Mary!